The major piece of work for this Fellowship is the development of a measure and self-assessment tool for employability, based on the Literacies for Life model. Trialled with engineering students at Curtin and UWA, the new EmployABILITY student starter kit was launched on July 31st, just in time for semester 2 in the Southern Hemisphere.
How does it work?
Students create a personalised employability profile designed to help them understand and explore six literacies that combine to enhance employability. These literacies empower students to make informed life and career decisions that align with personal and societal values and goals.
Every student receives a personalised profile. They use the profile and its resources to guide their personal and professional development, returning to the tool as often as they wish. Educators who use the tool with a whole cohort can request aggregated results together with workshop materials to use with students. Support for implementation is provided through the Fellowship. For more information for Literacies for Life, visit the brief introduction for educators on our website.
How much does it cost?
Nothing! The tool was created for the use of all students and it will not be commercialised.
What happens to the data?
Anonymised data contribute to a data bank that will help us build a picture of students thinking about their future lives and careers. Data cannot be linked back to a cohort, program or institution.