Author: Kate Farrell


Dawn Bennett from Curtin University and Lorna Froud from the University of Reading co-chaired the expert stream in employability at the national HERDSA in Sydney. Colleagues worked together for an hour or two every day, reporting to a plenary session on Friday, June 30th. The group targeted four key areas: 1. The language of employability; 2. Rewriting the metrics on graduate outcomes; 3. Distilli...

The student self-assessment tool is launched

The major piece of work for this Fellowship is the development of a measure and self-assessment tool for employability, based on the Literacies for Life model. Trialled with engineering students at Curtin and UWA, the new EmployABILITY student starter kit was launched on July 31st, just in time for semester 2 in the Southern Hemisphere. How does it work? Students create a personalised employabilit...

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