1. Register your cohort with the Developing EmployABILITY initiative Registration is very quick and can be done here;
2. Incorporate the tool as either an assessment item, required reading or class activity. If it is a required task, ask students to upload the front page of their profile reports as proof of completion. Instructions on how to add to add the EmployABILITY Self-assessment tool to your learning management system or student portal can be found here. Find out more about the tool and the Student Starter Kit here;
3. Identify employability touchpoints within your module/unit. These are places where employability thinking can be made explicit. Here are some examples:
- For a teamwork activity or assignment, add this group resource;
- For a placement or industry visit, add this careers panel resource;
- For a reflection, add this critical reflection resource;
- For a mock job application, add this cover letter resource.
4. Upload the online self-assessment tool, which takes 15-20 minutes. Students receive their profile report straight away. Most employABILITY resources are included as embedded links, which students can access at any time. The tool is part of the Student Starter Kit, which students will find here;
- You can view a sample report here.
- You can create your own personalised profile by following this link. Where it asks for a student number, please write ‘test’.
5. Pass on the process to a lecturer who will teach at least some of the students in the following semester. Encourage the lecturer to adopt the employABILITY process with their class, and ensure that the process is now embedded within your unit or module.
6. Encourage students to reflect on, review and re-create their profiles each semester. They can look back over previous profile reports at any time to see how their thinking has changed.