Literacies for life model

Basic literacy

Developing the skills, practices and knowledge of my discipline 

  1. I can identify personal weaknesses in need of further development
  2. I can articulate my personal strengths and how these can be deployed in my career
  3. I can identify the knowledge, abilities and transferable skills I will develop in my degree
  4. To secure work in my discipline I will need to have graduate-level qualifications
  5. I expect to obtain graduate level work at the completion of my degree
  6. I am satisfied with my progress towards meeting my graduate career goals
  7. My degree program is preparing me to meet the needs of graduate life

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Communicating and interacting with other people

  1. I can communicate my viewpoints with clarity and fluency in English
  2. I find it easy to listen to and understand what others are saying
  3. I find it easy to confront people’s problems to resolve conflicts
  4. I can use technology effectively to communicate with others
  5. I take care to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar when communicating with others
  6. I can gain support from others for recommendations and ideas
  7. I find it easy to persuade, convince or influence others
  8. I find it easy to quickly gain respect from others
  9. I usually show respect for the views and contributions of other team members
  10. I usually make a favourable first impression
  11. I find it easy to make clear, concise presentations to others
  12. I find it easy to communicate effectively with people from different cultures, backgrounds and authority levels
  13. I find it easy to get cooperation and support from others when working in a team
  14. I consult others and share my expertise and information
  15. I am able to build wide and effective networks of contacts to achieve my goals
  16. I seek to progress to roles of increased responsibility and influence
  17. I already have wide and effective networks of contacts to achieve my goals

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Using digital technologies for my work and learning

  1. I am confident in my ability to use the digital technologies associated with my studies
  2. I am confident in my ability to learn how to use a new technology
  3. I use the Internet to gather reliable information about my future career
  4. I am confident in my ability to interpret large datasets

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Rhetorical literacy

Solving problems and making decisions

  1. I make quick but clear decisions that spur others on towards action
  2. I can probe for further information to enhance my understanding of a problem
  3. I can structure information in a way that meets the needs of my audience
  4. I can initiate changes to make my work or life more satisfying and developmental
  5. I consider the complexities of the larger cultural, business and economic reality when approaching a problem or situation I offer unique and novel ideas that add new knowledge and insights to a problem or situation
  6. I am creative in achieving my goals by anticipating problems before they happen
  7. I usually set priorities with a proper sense of urgency and importance

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Achieving goals, accomplishing tasks and meeting deadlines

  1. I spend a lot of time surfing the internet to find new information on search engines
  2. I usually set realistic goals
  3. I take action to achieve my goals
  4. I develop plans for specific goals and tasks
  5. I use time efficiently
  6. I find it easy to meet deadlines
  7. I can identify the resources needed to accomplish tasks

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Personal and critical literacy

Career commitment

  1. Does thinking of yourself as a professional in your discipline help you to understand who you are?
  2. Does thinking of yourself as a professional in your discipline make you feel secure in your life?
  3. Does thinking of yourself as a professional in your discipline make you feel self-confident?
  4. Does thinking of yourself as a professional in your discipline make you feel confident about the future?
  5. If you could change your study major, would you do it?
  6. Do you ever think that choosing a different profession would make your life more interesting?
  7. Do you ever think that it would be better to prepare yourself for another profession?
  8. Are you considering the possibility of changing your university major in order to be able to practice another profession in the future?

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Believing in myself

  1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself
  2. At times I think I am pretty darn good
  3. I feel that I have a number of good qualities
  4. I am able to do things as well as most other people
  5. I feel I do have much to be proud of
  6. I really feel useful at times
  7. I feel that I’m a person of worth, or at least on an equal plane with others
  8. I think I have enough respect for myself
  9. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am not a failure
  10. I take a positive attitude toward myself

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Believing that I can complete my studies 

I feel confident in my ability that I can:

  1. Ask questions in lectures
  2. Respond to questions asked in lectures
  3. Approach my lecturers to receive feedback
  4. Draw up a study plan
  5. Ask for help from my lecturers
  6. Source and write up additional notes
  7. Plan my time to revise effectively for exams
  8. Judge the standard to get good marks in my assignments
  9. Judge the standard to get good marks in my exams
  10. Respond to questions asked in tutorials
  11. Ask questions in tutorials
  12. Apply my knowledge to solve previously unseen questions
  13. Ask for help from my tutors
  14. Produce my best work in exams
  15. Make sense of theoretical aspects of my modules
  16. Engage in academic discussions with classmates
  17. Pass both accounting modules at the first attempt
  18. Make sense of feedback on my assignments
  19. Explain material to a friend
  20. Make a good attempt at tutorial questions in advance
  21. Answer an essay style question
  22. Study effectively on my own
  23. Follow and make sense of material covered in lectures
  24. Make sense of material I read in textbooks
  25. Ask for help from my classmates
  26. Meet the deadlines for my assignments

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My ability and willingness to learn

  1. I follow up on goals, tasks and assignments to ensure successful completion
  2. I monitor my performance against deadlines and milestones
  3. I make sure that I keep myself up to date on technical knowledge and new developments in my field
  4. I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my knowledge and skills, and develop myself as a person
  5. I know how to ask the right questions to get needed information and to properly size up a situation
  6. I accept and tackle demanding goals with enthusiasm
  7. I make use of developmental or training opportunities to enhance my competencies, knowledge and skills

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Putting the theory into practice

Please rate your ability to do the following:

  1. Judge the applicability of the knowledge gained in my studies to the workplace
  2. Apply knowledge and skills gained in my studies to the workplace
  3. Recognise and value the role of theoretical ideas in work or professional contexts
  4. Understand the relevance of each study unit (module) to my future career

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Occupational literacy

Career exploration and awareness

How much confidence do you have in your ability to:

  1. figure out which career options could provide a good fit for your personality
  2. identify careers that best use your skills
  3. pick the best-fitting career option for you from a list of your ideal careers
  4. learn more about careers you might enjoy
  5. match your skills, values, and interests to relevant occupations
  6. make a well-informed choice about which career path to pursue
  7. learn more about jobs that could offer things that are important to you
  8. identify careers that best match your interests

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Having a ‘plan B’ for my career

How much confidence do you have in your ability to:

  1. cope with the disappointment if your first choice does not work out
  2. manage negative feelings if your first choice does not work out and you need to find another career choice
  3. create a good back-up plan if you discover that you don’t have enough financial support to pursue your preferred career option
  4. develop a good alternative plan if you find that your access to your most preferred option is blocked for some reason

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Emotional literacy

Recognising, understanding and managing how I feel

By looking at people’s facial expressions, I recognize the emotions they are experiencing.

  1. I am a rational person and I rarely, if ever, consult my feelings to make a decision (reverse score item1)
  2. I have a rich vocabulary to describe my emotions (reverse score item1)
  3. I have problems dealing with my feelings of anger
  4. When someone I know is in a bad mood, I can help the person calm down and feel better quickly
  5. I am aware of the nonverbal messages other people send
  6. When making decisions, I listen to my feelings to see if the decision feels right
  7. I could easily write a lot of synonyms for emotion words like happiness or sadness
  8. I can handle stressful situations without getting too nervous
  9. I know the strategies to make or improve other people’s moods
  10. I can tell when a person is lying to me by looking at his or her facial expression
  11. I am a rational person and don’t like to rely on my feelings to make decisions
  12. I have the vocabulary to describe how most emotions progress from simple to complex feelings
  13. I am able to handle most upsetting problems
  14. I am not very good at helping others to feel better when they are feeling down or angry (reverse score item)
  15. My quick impressions of what people are feeling are usually wrong (reverse score item1)
  16. My “feelings” vocabulary is probably better than most other persons’ “feelings” vocabularies
  17. I know how to keep calm in difficult or stressful situations
  18. I am the type of person to whom others go when they need help with a difficult situation

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Ethical, cultural and social literacy

Taking the responsibility for my decisions and actions

  1. I accept responsibility for the results of my decisions and actions
  2. I personally take the credit or blame for the results of my work

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Upholding ethical, responsible and culturally appropriate behaviour

  1. I uphold the ethics and values of my profession, community or workplace in all I do
  2. I encourage responsible behaviour towards the community and the environment
  3. I find it easy to provide direction to others, and to motivate and empower them
  4. I can effectively communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds

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Byrne, M., Flood, B., & Griffin, J. (2014). Measuring the academic self-efficacy of first-year accounting students. Accounting Education, 23(5), 407-423. doi: 10.1080/09639284.2014.931240
Coetzee, M. (2014). Measuring student graduateness: Reliability and construct validity of the Graduate Skills and Attributes Scale. Higher Education Research & Development, 33(5), 887-902. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2014.890572
Lent, R. W., Ezeofor, I., Morrison, A., Penn, L. T., & Ireland, G. W. Applying the social cognitive model of career self-management to career exploration and decision-making. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93(2016), 47-57.
Mancini, T., Caricati, L., Panari, C., & Tonarelli, A. (2015). Personal and social aspects of professional identity. An extension of Marcia’s identity status model applied to a sample of university students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89(2015), 140-150.
Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Smith, C., Ferns, S., & Russell, L. (2014). Conceptualising and measuring ‘employability’: Lessons from a national OLT project. Proceedings of the ACEN National Conference, Gold Coast 2014.

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