self awareness

What does it take to be great?

What does it take to be a great actor, geologist, academic, or chemist? This resource incorporates a brainstorming exercise, some research on ‘discipline role models’, and a self-assessment. It is even more effective if students have completed the ‘Finding Your Mission’ and ‘Plotting Your Preferences’ activities.

Get to know your dream work

This tool challenges students to track work opportunities the course of a semester and to develop a plan to achieve these. Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Finding your mission‘ and ‘The Musician’s Lifestyle Quiz‘.

What’s your persona?

In this resource, students articulate their work and personal (true) personae in relation to their interactions with others.

Get to know your dream work

This resource  challenges students to track work opportunities the course of a semester and to develop a plan to achieve these.

Which you do you prefer?

This resource uses the names by which students are known to expose their different personas. From these, students begin to create a holistic identity and to consider this in terms of their future lives and work.

Plot your preferences and strengths

This resource prompts students to identify their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It can be used to build effective teams and to promote self-development.

Creating a high-achieving group

This resource was adapted specifically for use with students who need to form teams or undertake group assignments. Here, increased self-awareness is a consequence of forming effective groups rather than being the explicit objective!

Getting what you want in music III

This tool encourages learners to consider how their likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses can be accommodated within their future careers. Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Career story: Following your passion‘ and ‘Reading and reflecting on musician profiles and biographies‘.

Career story: Following your passion

This career story profiles a musician whose career is underpinned by an overwhelming passion for music. She has explored her interests in diverse ways, combining a portfolio of roles to create a busy and successful practice. Another resource to compliment this one is ‘The Musician’s Lifestyle Quiz‘ and ‘Careers panel: How did you get here?‘.

Getting what you want in music II

Another resource to compliment this one is Get to know your dream work.

Getting what you want in music I

Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Get to know your dream work‘, ‘Conceptualising music careers I‘ and ‘Conceptualising music careers II‘.

Conceptualising music careers I

Other resources to compliment this resource include ‘Conceptualising music careers II‘, ‘Embracing the ‘e’ word (entrepreneurship)‘ and ‘Getting what you want in music I‘.

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