In August, Dawn travelled to visit project partners and colleagues in Melbourne. Whilst there, she gave a presentation to the Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communications Technology on the future of work and the implications for employability development in ICT. The Deans were very receptive and plan to conduct some multi-disciplinary research using the student self-assessment tool. Dawn also met with RMIT colleagues including Fellow Iouri Belski. RMIT is a Fellowship partner and plans to introduce the self-assessment tool into first year Engineering with a view to using it from 2018 alongside their exciting Future Edge initiative. At the University of Melbourne, partners from the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music met to discuss embedding employability development alongside its focus on entrepreneurship. At Deakin Dawn met with a teacher educator who would like to embed the tool and resources to help student teachers become more aware of themselves and their possible future careers. The final visit in Melbourne was to Monash University, where final-year business students and staff engaged in a three-hour workshop. Although the workshop engaged everyone in some challenging thinking, they also had a lot of fun! Faculty intend to embed the tool and its resources from 2018 and to embark on research that investigates non-text approaches to employability development.