Networking is one of the tools that can make the difference between a good career and a great career. Many people shy away from networking or fumble around when meeting new people because they do not know what to say about themselves. The elevator pitch is a short statement that summarises what we do and how we might meet the needs of other people. This tool guides students through the process of ...
Developing EmployABILITY has been selected for this year’s Curtin Accelerate program. Over a ten-week period, our team will work with Accelerate mentors to improve and grow the Student Starter Kit. The Curtin Accelerate program provides industry contacts, one-to-one and group mentoring sessions, and help to bring ideas closer to commercialisation. Our aim is that by commercialising employABILITY f...
Developing EmployABILITY Project leader Dawn Bennett was recently awarded best paper at the 2017 AAEE conference. Dawn’s paper was titled Metacognition as a graduate attribute: Developing engineering employability with self and career literacy and can be viewed here.
We have been selected by Australian Technology Network to design an employability resource portal. This is one of six projects focused on work “integrated learning and graduate employability” that the ATN is funding. More information here.
Our new resource tackles how to establish relevance with students. We also celebrate engineering education with a special engineering resource, the 1st of the toolkit for 2018. This resource is designed to help students recognise the relevance of a unit (course) of study to their future lives and work. For this reason, it is a really useful inclusion in non-technicist and foundation units. If you ...
What does it take to be a great actor, geologist, academic, or chemist? This educator resource incorporates a 10-minute brainstorming exercise, some research on ‘discipline role models’, and a self-assessment/reflection. The brainstorming exercise is a 10-minute activity to use in class with students in groups. We have included an example of a self-assessment exercise for music students. You can a...
This new career story features a musician who has been part of the music industry for a long time working in many different contexts. The account is a great resource for students understanding the importance of exploring different roles within the area they are passionate about. You can view the resource over at our student site here.
EmployABILITY just published a new resource! This one is an educator resource set, which helps students to create strong networks and micro-communities. The resource set is based on the career story of WA-based paperclay expert Graham Hay.
We are launching a new employABILITY resource featuring Australian contemporary artist Shaun Gladwell. Shaun’s career story is a great resource for students to understand how to be open to change and how to be true to themselves in their work. I plan to combine the new career story with a 10-minute activity called ‘Finding your Mission’ (
At last, the cover letter has been rethought. What do you think? Writing a cover letter
How do you motivate students to accomplish their goals? New student Career Story resource now available for students. This career story features an internationally renowned novelist, Anna Jacobs, who told us how she created and now manages her career – from knowing what the market wants, to managing her time and doggedly pursuing her goals. Part of the growing suite of employABILITY career s...
ACEN Webinar 14 November 2017 11:00am-12:00pm (AEST) or 12 noon for AEDT Employability development involves the cognitive and social development of learners as individuals, professionals and social citizens. This webinar focuses on how to embed this development within existing curriculum, sharing research-enabled tools and resources that help scaffold employability learning including that gained w...