Author: Developing Employability

Featured resource: Capstone units facilitating the transition from university to employability

This week’s featured resource, Capstone units facilitating the transition from university to employability, is an expert guide from Professor Trevor Cullen at Edith Cowan University. The guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. All members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access to the new resource. To become a member,...

Featured resource: Changing career

This week’s featured Developing EmployABILITY thinking resource, Changing Career,  is from our Career Story series. The story comes from a visual arts graduate who decided to work in another sector even before graduation. The account is a great resource for understanding uneasiness about future work and the transfer of discipline skills, knowledge and practices to new settings. We have also develo...

Featured resource: Expert guide: Curriculum design and employability thinking

This week’s featured resource is an expert guide from Professor Romy Lawson at Murdoch University. Romy writes on Curriculum design and employability thinking. The guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. All members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access to the resources without charge. To become a member, register h...

National HERDSA roadshow

In April and May, Dawn partnered with HERDSA to present a roadshow of employABILITY thinking workshops. Colleagues in Hong Kong and around Australia engaged in the two-hour workshops and one-hour drop-in sessions. Participants experienced employABILITY thinking for themselves, trialled some of the resources, learned about the theoretical and policy drivers, and then mapped unit (course) outlines t...

Featured resource: How to balance life and work

This week’s featured resource is How to balance life and work. The topic of work-life balance is most often discussed in relation to time management and stress, but in reality it is far more than that. In this resource, students are prompted to consider what is important to them, how their thinking is likely to change over time, and what types of relationship they might have with their paid work. ...

Featured resource: Embedding and sustaining employABILITY through whole-of-program change

This week’s featured resource is an expert guide from Adjunct Professor Margaret Lloyd (QUT), who writes on Embedding and sustaining employABILITY through whole-of-program change. The guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. There is no charge for any employABILITY resources and all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community ...

Featured resource: Developing your personal brand

This week’s featured Developing EmployABILITY thinking resource, Developing your personal brand, is from our Career Story series. This story comes from music graduate and orchestral manager Sue, who emphasises the need to find a “niche” and a personal brand on which to build a career. We have also developed an educator guide on how to use career stories with students. If you have other career stor...

Featured resource: Design your future

  This week’s featured resource, Design your future, uses drawing to help students expose underlying assumptions and predispositions about their future life and work. Design your future, developed by Dawn Bennett (Curtin University) and Sally Male (University of Western Australia), also helps students to determine the relevance of a unit (course) of study to their future lives and work. For t...

Hong Kong (HK) EmployABILITY thinking roadshow 2018

The Hong Kong (HK) EmployABILITY thinking roadshow 2018 from 6 to 9 March was described by HERDSA HK executives as “a huge success”. Dawn presented workshops on Enhancing EmployABILITY and a session on critical reflection at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and The Hong Kong Polytechni...

Free EmployABILITY thinking workshops across Australia

Thanks to HERDSA, next month we present free employABILITY workshops and drop-in sessions around Australia. For more information and registration details, please visit: …  

Expert in residence: Engaging alumni for student employability

As part of the Fellowship, we are releasing a series of expert guides on various topics from expert members of our project team. The first expert guide is from Professor Jessica Vanderlelie (La Trobe University), who writes about Engaging alumni for student employability. You can view the expert guide here. Please be part of the conversation and share your experience on the topic. For each expert ...

Featured resource: Career action plan

This week’s featured resource is ‘Career action plan’. Most people have more than one career, and for this reason, personal values are important drivers of career decision making. This resource includes individual and group reflections on values, ‘ideal’ careers and planning ahead. If you’re a member of the Developing Employability community, you can access ‘Career action plan’ here. If you haven’...

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