This resource is designed to help students recognise the relevance of a unit (course) of study to their future lives and work. For this reason, it is a really useful inclusion in non-technicist and foundation units.
Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Conceptualising music careers I‘, ‘Embracing the ‘e’ word (entrepreneurship)‘ and ‘Getting what you want in music I‘.
Use this resource with students, to encourage them to audit their skills, knowledge and experience, and to find out how much they know already.
This tool challenges students to track work opportunities the course of a semester and to develop a plan to achieve these. Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Finding your mission‘ and ‘The Musician’s Lifestyle Quiz‘.
This resource challenges students to track work opportunities the course of a semester and to develop a plan to achieve these.
Other resources to compliment this resource include ‘Conceptualising music careers II‘, ‘Embracing the ‘e’ word (entrepreneurship)‘ and ‘Getting what you want in music I‘.
The magazine-style lifestyle quiz prompts students to focus on their preferred lifestyle and to think about this in terms of career.
This tool encourages students to conceptualise career as a multi-faceted concept by considering time, money, vision and identity.
In this resource, students consider what is important to them and consider their preferred relationship with work.
This tool focuses on a career action plan, but it makes the point that most people have more than one career and that personal values are important drivers of career decision making. The tool includes individual or group reflections on values, ‘ideal’ careers and planning ahead.