This week, employABILITY thinking is focusing on Developing a socially engaged curriculum. This expert guide comes from Dr Catherine Grant at the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University. Cathy explains: Learning discipline-based knowledge and skills is an essential part of any university education, and educators and their institutions are often highly effective at teaching them. However, unless educators also enable students to connect their disciplinary knowledge and skills with the world around them, students can be left unsure about the relevance of their learning to their own lives and the lives of others. The guide for educators provides top tips, things to remember, a list of resources and links for further reading. EmployABILITY resources are free for all members of the Devel...
This week’s EmployABILITY thinking resource is titled Building a career with creativity and resilience and it comes from our Career Story series. The career story comes from an internationally known author. It is a great resource for understanding the complex paths that many careers take. The story also features in a resource set which combines a career story, guided reflection resource, industry snapshot and a career visioning resource. The discipline example in this set is writing; however, the set is easily adapted for other disciplines. At the back of the resource, you will find more information as well as sample questions on learning from biographies and career stories. We have also developed an educator guide on how to use career stories with students. If you have other career storie...
This week’s employABILITY thinking featured resource is How much do you know already? Use this resource with students, to encourage them to audit their skills, knowledge and experience, and to find out how much they know already. How much do you know already? is most effective if students have first created a personalised employABILITY profile as part of the 6-step Developing EmployABILITY process. There is no charge for employABILITY resources and all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access.To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.
This week, employABILITY thinking is focusing on Using WordPress Blogs for Real-World Portfolios. This is an expert guide from Dr. Wayne J. Cosshall. Having a portfolio during study and after graduation can be a great asset for gaining work. It can also provide a tangible tool for identity development. While many universities have ePortfolio tools, why not take the opportunity to use a portfolio system that develops students’ employability? This guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. EmployABILITY resources are free for all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community. To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.
This week’s EmployABILITY thinking resource is titled Breaking career barriers and it comes from our Career Story series. The career story features couture dress maker Louise Evans who pursued her passion for creating 3D caricature fabric characters. It is a great resource for understanding the importance of doing what you love. At the back of the resource, you will find more information as well as sample questions on learning from biographies and career stories. We have also developed an educator guide on how to use career stories with students. If you have other career stories to share, please let us know. Breaking career barriers is most effective if students have first created a personalised employABILITY profile as part of the 6-step Developing EmployABILITY process. EmployABILITY thi...
This week’s employABILITY thinking featured resource is Getting a head start. This resource includes four challenges relating to motivation, career agility, autonomy and goal setting. Getting a head start is most effective if students have first created a personalised employABILITY profile as part of the 6-step Developing EmployABILITY process There is no charge for employABILITY resources and all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access.To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.
This week, employABILITY thinking is focusing on Sessional staff and embedding employABILITY thinking. This is an expert guide from Professor Marina Harvey. Nationally and globally the majority of teaching at universities is undertaken by sessional staff. In the Australian context, reliance on sessional staff has more than doubled over the past 20 years. This means that the teachers who carry the responsibility for engaging students in employABILITY thinking are likely to be sessional. This guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. EmployABILITY resources are free for all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community. To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at o...
This week’s employABILITY thinking feature helps students to Create a high achieving group. The resource is great for students who need to form teams or undertake group assignments. It helps them to increase their self-awareness and positions teamwork as something we all use as professionals. Creating a high achieving group is most effective if students have first created a personalised employABILITY profile as part of the 10-step Developing EmployABILITY process There is no charge for employABILITY resources and all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access.To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.
This week’s EmployABILITY thinking resource is titled Being true to yourself and it comes from our Career Story series. This story features an amazing Australian contemporary artist who works primarily in video and performance. His career story is a great resource for understanding how to be open to change, figuring out what you like and being true to yourself in your work. At the back of the resource, you will find more information as well as sample questions on learning from biographies and career stories. We have also developed an educator guide on how to use career stories with students. If you have other career stories to share, please let us know. Being true to yourself is most effective if students have first created a personalised employABILITY profile as part of the 10-step Develo...
This week, the employABILITY thinking focus is Engaging students to optimise practice-based learning . This is an expert guide from Professor Amanda Henderson. Optimal learning in practice situations – meaningful learning experiences and appropriate student engagement – requires collaborative governance across university, industry and student. The focus in this guide is the student. This guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. EmployABILITY thinking resources are free to all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community.To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.
This week’s employABILITY thinking feature challenges students to get to know their dream work. The resource challenges students to track work opportunities over the course of a semester and develop a plan to achieve their goals. Get to know your dream work is most effective if students have first created a personalised employABILITY profile as part of the 10-step Developing EmployABILITY process There is no charge for employABILITY resources and all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access. To become a member, register here. To learn more about EmployABILITY thinking, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.
This week’s featured Developing EmployABILITY resource as a career story titled Adapting to change, from our Career Story series. This career story comes from a computer science graduate who completed an Honours degree in artificial intelligence. The account is a great resource for understanding uneasiness about future work. When reading the career story, students should reflect on what they have learned in their degree programs and how they might use employABILITY thinking to adapt this to new working environments. At the back of the resource, you will find more information as well as sample questions on learning from biographies and career stories. We have also developed an educator guide on how to use career stories with students. If you have other career stories to share, please let us...