
Career story: Reflect on your achievements to create a positive outlook

Degree: Master of Business (Science and Technology)  Completion year: 2014  Years since graduation: 5  Career story themes: Create a plan, develop goals, get to know yourself, adopt a positive mindset 

Growth Mindset

How to deal with stress

Resource set: Building a career with creativity and resilience

This resource set draws on the career story of acclaimed author Liz Byrski. The tool illustrates that many successful career paths are far from linear. It includes a career visioning tool, a career story and a snapshot of the work of writing graduates.

Embracing the ‘e’ word (entrepreneurship)

Other resources to compliment this one include ‘The musician’s lifestyle quiz‘, and ‘Plotting your preferences in music‘.

Career story: Following your passion

This career story profiles a musician whose career is underpinned by an overwhelming passion for music. She has explored her interests in diverse ways, combining a portfolio of roles to create a busy and successful practice. Another resource to compliment this one is ‘The Musician’s Lifestyle Quiz‘ and ‘Careers panel: How did you get here?‘.

Career story: Building a career with creativity and resilience

This resource set combines a career story, guided reflection tool, industry snapshot and a career visioning tool. The discipline example in this set is writing; however, the set is easily adapted for other disciplines.

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