Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Conceptualising music careers I‘, ‘Conceptualising music careers II‘ and ‘Get to know your dream work‘.
In this resource, students articulate their work and personal (true) personae in relation to their interactions with others.
This resource uses the names by which students are known to expose their different personas. From these, students begin to create a holistic identity and to consider this in terms of their future lives and work.
Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Get to know your dream work‘, ‘Conceptualising music careers I‘ and ‘Conceptualising music careers II‘.
Other resources to compliment this one include ‘Plotting your preferences in music‘, ‘Conceptualising music careers I‘ and ‘Conceptualising music careers II‘.
This resource gently introduces students to the four identity states and relates these to career decision making.
This resource set introduces the concept of identity development and emphasises that this is an ongoing process. The set encourages learners to ask questions and resist the pressure to make a finite decision about their futue lives and work. The tool includes a learning guide for educators, a career story from music, a guided reflection tool, and an identity quiz.