
Featured resource: Design your future

  This week’s featured resource, Design your future, uses drawing to help students expose underlying assumptions and predispositions about their future life and work. Design your future, developed by Dawn Bennett (Curtin University) and Sally Male (University of Western Australia), also helps students to determine the relevance of a unit (course) of study to their future lives and work. For this reason, it is a really useful inclusion in foundational, communication or careers units. Design your future is most effective if students have first created a personalised employability profile as part of the 10-step EmployABILITY Thinking process. All members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access to the new resource and associated research. To become a member, visit the site. ...

Resource set: Making the commitment to pursue a career

This resource set introduces the concept of identity development and emphasises that this is an ongoing process. The set encourages learners to ask questions and resist the pressure to make a finite decision about their futue lives and work. The tool includes a learning guide for educators, a career story from music, a guided reflection tool, and an identity quiz.

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