career story

Career story – Educational journey

Degree: Bachelor of Health Science Bachelor of Food and Nutrition (Honours) Master of Dietetics PhD. Thesis: Supporting diabetes management in young adults during life transitions using mHealth Completion year: 2018 Years since graduation: 2

Career story: Reflect on your achievements to create a positive outlook

Degree: Master of Business (Science and Technology)  Completion year: 2014  Years since graduation: 5  Career story themes: Create a plan, develop goals, get to know yourself, adopt a positive mindset 

Featured resource: Changing career

This week’s featured Developing EmployABILITY thinking resource, Changing Career,  is from our Career Story series. The story comes from a visual arts graduate who decided to work in another sector even before graduation. The account is a great resource for understanding uneasiness about future work and the transfer of discipline skills, knowledge and practices to new settings. We have also developed an educator guide on how to use career stories with students. If you have other career stories to share, please let us know! Changing career is most effective if students have first created a personalised employability profile as part of the 10-step Developing EmployABILITY process. There is no charge for any employABILITY resources and all members of the Developing EmployABILITY community hav...

Resource set: Creating strong networks and micro-communities

A locally, nationally and internationally renowned ceramic artist, Graham Hay’s incredible career has spanned over two decades. In this resource set, Graham provides advice for students about establishing an arts career.  It includes a career story, a networking resource and general advice about developing a career in the arts.

Career story: Finding the sparkle

This story comes from European pianist Dominik Falenski, who was born in Berlin and is now based in Denmark where he is finishing his Masters degree. He begins by talking about how he came to be a pianist and then describes different experiences that have shaped how he views his career both now and into the future. Another resource to compliment this one is ‘Careers panel: How did you get here?‘.

Teaching artists at work

This resource introduces students to the idea of the ‘teaching artist’ by telling the story of a partnership between highly successful professional musicians, Four Nations Ensemble, and school children. Another resources to compliment this one is ‘Volunteer challenge‘.

Career story: Filling in the gaps

This career story features a pianist and teacher who describes the career decision-making that led her to establish a unique career. Another resource to compliment this one is ‘Careers panel: How did you get here?‘.

Career story: Following your passion

This career story profiles a musician whose career is underpinned by an overwhelming passion for music. She has explored her interests in diverse ways, combining a portfolio of roles to create a busy and successful practice. Another resource to compliment this one is ‘The Musician’s Lifestyle Quiz‘ and ‘Careers panel: How did you get here?‘.

Career story: Trying things out

This is the story of Danish freelance trumpeter Jeppe Uggerhoej, who talks about how he is building a career in music, the need to be able to perform in different genres, and trying different things to work out what he might want to do in the longer term. Another resource to compliment this one is ‘Careers panel: How did you get here?‘.

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