
Resource set: Creating strong networks and micro-communities

A locally, nationally and internationally renowned ceramic artist, Graham Hay’s incredible career has spanned over two decades. In this resource set, Graham provides advice for students about establishing an arts career.  It includes a career story, a networking resource and general advice about developing a career in the arts.

Career story: Orchestral life

This profile comes from a young brass player. He describes life in an orchestra, the ‘sparkle’ that makes orchestral work enjoyable, getting ahead, and his future career plans.

Resource set: Building a career with creativity and resilience

This resource set draws on the career story of acclaimed author Liz Byrski. The tool illustrates that many successful career paths are far from linear. It includes a career visioning tool, a career story and a snapshot of the work of writing graduates.

Career story: Changing career

This resource relates the career story of a visual artist who decided not to pursue his visual arts practice as a full-time career. Instead, he developed his own personal training business. This enabled his arts practice to evolve on his own terms, without needing to ‘please the market’. The story is a good example of graduates who apply their knowledge and practices in another sector.

Career story: Developing your personal brand

This career story comes from music graduate and orchestral manager Sue, who emphasises the need to find a 'niche' or personal brand on which to build a career in music.

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