Language of employability

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    • #1693

      Language of employability topic for HERDSA17

    • #1708
      Dawn Bennett

      Employability is the means to create and sustain a meaningful life and work for the benefit of oneself and others

    • #1709
      Colin Jevons

      Employability is NOT:

      – a job
      – a piece of paper
      – something that arrives magically at graduation
      – a destination (it’s a journey)

    • #1710

      IRU definition of employability by Jess Vanderlelie IRU Research Fellow:

      Activities and experiences that support the development of knowledge, professional skills and personal capabilities to enhance a graduate’s lifelong professional success.

      This overarching def. draws together all aspects of the student experience at University and facilitates the development of a mutual partnership in the learning journey.

    • #1711
      Colin Jevons

      Employability is the means to create and sustain meaningful work across the career lifespan and in multiple contexts

      Please note these are not my ideas I am taking dictation from Dawn!

    • #1713
      Doug Cole

      I like this. We have previously taken a slightly different angle and chosen to define ’embedding employability’ as providing the opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, experiences, attitude and behaviours to enable graduates to make successful transitions and contributions, benefitting them, the economy and their communities.
      I like that you have added life in the new definition because this is about looking beyond the boundaries of a job, work and career. This should be about developing the whole person. Learning for life ?

    • #1714
      Colin Jevons

      Must be done in partnership between careers professionals and academic staff

    • #1715
      Colin Jevons

      There is no single answer but we should distil some common threads

      • #1729
        Narissa Lewis

        Regarding partnerships mentioned above, need to ensure that we’re working in partnership with students as the whole person… I’m thnknig about first in family students here, making their families aware of extra/co curricular activities that might enhance students employability and how they might be able to support them to take part in these activities etc

    • #1716
      Colin Jevons

      Employability is a composite word. Employ and ability. The “ability” part is the more important.

    • #1718
      Colin Jevons

      “work” is not necessarily “jobs”. entrepreneurs are just one example; the gig economy can often be another.

    • #1719
      Colin Jevons

      Victorian State govt statement – VET-based, and too skills-based as opposed to person-based, (says Dawn, remember, this is not me being clever)

      Employability skills
      Employability skills are the “key skills and personal attributes you need to enter, operate
      and thrive in the new world of work.” These are the transferable skills that we take with us
      from one work situation to another, just like a tradesperson carries their toolbox.
      Key skills are:
      • communication;
      • team work;
      • problem solving;
      • initiative and enterprise;
      • planning and organising;
      • self-management;
      • learning skills; and
      • technology.

    • #1720
      Colin Jevons

      Employability is also NOT necessarily about good grades at uni.

    • #1723
      Dawn Bennett
      Keymaster for life Right click to open image

    • #1726
      Doug Cole

      It is also not just:

      About WIL
      The responsibility of the Careers service alone
      Solely the responsibility of your employability champions or leads
      Something you leave until the final year of studies
      Not something that conflicts with what all academics would hope to see in good students

      There is a positive flip side to all of this but we do need to bust some myths to engage people from the outset.

    • #1731
      Doug Cole

      Stage one of our framework centres around language and developing a shared language specific to the context / subject / discipline

    • #1732

      employability is an active partnership between the student and the entire university learning community

    • #1735
      Colin Jevons

      I love Doug’s example of the cake recipe, and Dawn’s comment that actual quantities only appeared in recipes until the 1950s (constraining creativity)… here’s the quote from the nauseating song from the 1960s or 70s

      MacArthur’s Park is melting in the dark
      All the sweet, green icing flowing down
      Someone left the cake out in the rain
      I don’t think that I can take it
      ‘Cause it took so long to bake it
      And I’ll never have that recipe again
      Oh no!

      Read more: Richard Harris – Macarthur Park Lyrics | MetroLyrics

      (Wikipedia says: “MacArthur Park” has been called the worst song ever written.[2] Its flowery lyrics and metaphors (notoriously likening lost love to a cake left out in the rain) have been described as “bloated” and “loopy.”[1]”

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