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Featured resource: The Feedback Quiz

This week’s featured resource, The Feedback Quiz, will help students figure out their attitude to feedback. Are they a feedback seeker or a feedback avoider, and what can they do to improve?

The resource comes from the series of critical reflection and feedback resources and guides developed by Developing EmployABILITY lead researcher Professor Dawn Bennett and Professor Carol Evans from the University of Southampton.

The Feedback Quiz is most effective if students have first created a personalised employability profile as part of the 10-step Developing EmployABILITY process.

All members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access to the new resource. To become a member, register here. There is no charge for any of the employABILITY resources.

To learn more about the Developing EmployABILITY process, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.

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