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Expert guide / Featured Resource

Featured resource: Expert guide – Embedding digital literacy to enhance employABILITY thinking

This week’s featured resource, Embedding digital literacy to enhance employABILITY thinking, is an expert guide from Associate Professor Jo Coldwell-Neilson.

Digital literacy is now considered to be a foundation skill in much the same way as reading, writing and arithmetic. As educators, however, we make assumptions regarding the levels of digital literacy skills we think our students have.

This guide for educators provides top tips, things to avoid, a list of resources and links for further reading. The guide works alongside a student resource on digital literacy.

All members of the Developing EmployABILITY community have access to the new resource.To become a member, registerhere. There is no charge for any of the employABILITY resources.

To learn more about the Developing EmployABILITY process, join the conversation at our Community of Practice on LinkedIn.

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